Who is
BPCE Lease
BPCE Lease (formerly Natixis Lease) is the Groupe BPCE’s financing arm specialized in lease financing. A key player for leasing in France, BPCE Lease creates and delivers one of the widest ranges of integrated solutions on the market.
In the third European market in the leasing sector, BPCE Lease Italia is aimed at customers made up of companies of all sizes.
Founded in Milan in 2005, the Italian branch of BPCE Lease offers a vast range of movable and real estate leases.
His main missions consist of:
• In assisting BPCE Lease partners in Italy
• In intervention with the customers of the associated banking networks
BPCE Lease Italia is a member of ASSILEA, the Italian association of leasing companies : https://www.assilea.it
Real estate leasing : Financing of professional real estate assets (business premises, warehouses, offices, retail areas, professional practices, hotels, clinics, nursing homes, etc.)
Equipment leasing : Lease financing of all types of equipment (means of transport, industrial, medical and agricultural equipment, public works, printing, etc.)
IT operating leasing : Installed base management with the associated services
Renewable energies : Financing and arrangement of wind energy, solar energy, biomass and hydroelectric projects
BPCE Lease Italia markets its products through the networks of BPCE, the second-largest French banking group, in particular with Natixis.
The company also collaborates with manufacturers, distributors and grantors for the financing of their customers.
€ 176,5 milioni di produzione nel 2018
Oltre 500 clienti aziendali
Oltre 2700 contratti in gestione
Oltre € 400 milioni di outstanding
BPCE Lease seeks to establish a long-standing engagement. Accordingly, our corporate and social responsibility policy lies at the heart of our concerns.
Operating at the core of the real economy’s financing, we place ourselves at the service of France’s economic development while financing a more socially responsible economy.
BPCE Lease favors local investments by participating in the development of local businesses and land use planning (financing of schools, retirement homes, hospitals, local communities), supporting agricultural development, and financing the healthcare sector (nursing homes, healthcare institutions, medical equipment).
Via its BPCE Energéco subsidiary, BPCE Lease is actively involved in promoting the energy transition, sustainable development and renewable energies, and figures among the foremost players in the financing of investments in this respect.
Our teams support the financing of buildings compliant with the latest environmental standards, or equipment intended to limit businesses’ energy consumption. The automotive solutions offered by BPCE Lease and its BPCE Car Lease subsidiary seek to promote mobility solutions that will reduce the automobile’s overall environmental impact. This involves defining a responsible car policy for our customers, financing electric and hybrid vehicles and their charging infrastructures, eco-driving training, awareness of road safety and prevention of risks.
BPCE Lease is committed to developing close relations with its customers, in particular through its local presence, and responding to their everyday concerns.
BPCE Lease is specialized in the financing of businesses and professionals, with in-depth knowledge of professional equipment and real estate. These strengths allow us to better understand our customers’ demands, and to offer them personalized support for the duration of the contract.
Experts in all fields are at your service to effectively optimize your investments.
Driven by a continuous improvement policy, all our employees endeavor to maintain the highest level of customer satisfaction. Ever attentive to your needs, our customer focus and co-creation approach are key to the development of all our new services and products.
BPCE Lease Italia
Viale Restelli, 3/7
20124 Milano
Tel. +39 02 00667200
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